Apple launched its flagship of the iPhone 13 range, the iPhone 13 Pro in September 2021. The iPhone 13 Pro has 6GB of RAM and an option of 128GB to 1TB of internal storage. The quad main camera has 12MP wide-angle, 12MP telephoto and 12MP ultra-wide-angle lenses supported with a TOF 3D LiDAR scanner (depth) lens all of which combine to record in a cinematic mode for 1080p at 30 fps or Dolby Vision HDR video recording up to 4K at 60 fps. The dual 12MP wide-angle lens and TOF 3D LiDAR scanner ensure pristine self-portraits every time. The iPhone 13 Pro with 5G can allow you to stream videos for up to 22 hours on a single charge. The Apple iPhone 13 Pro with surgical-grade stainless steel chassis is available in a Gold, Silver, Graphite of Sierra Blue finish.
Base Device | Apple iPhone 13 Pro |
Design - Dimensions in mm | 146.7 x 71.5 x 7.7 mm |
Design - Weight | 204g |
Type | Super Retina XDR + 120Hz + HDR10 + Dolby Vision + 1000 nits (HBM) + 1200 nits (peak) |
Display - Size Display | 6.1 inch |
Resolution Display | 1170 x 2532 pixels |
OS Hardware Performance | iOS 15 |
Storage | 128GB/ 256GB/ 512GB/ 1TB |
RAM Hardware Performance | 6GB |
CPU (Processor) | Hexa-Core (2x3.22 GHz Avalanche + 4xX.X GHz Blizzard) |
Rear Camera Type | Quad Camera |
Main Camera Resolution | 12MP Wide + 12MP UltraWide + 12MP Telephoto |
Main Camera - Additional Features | Dual-tone LED flash + HDR + Panorama |
Front Camera - Additional Resolution | 12MP |
Battery - Size | 3095 mAh |