Honor launched its X7 in April 2022. The X7 has two configurations, 4GB or 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. Additional storage can be added with the inclusion of a MicroSD card which shares a SIM slot. The rear quad camera includes a 48MP wide-angle camera, 5MP ultra-wide camera, 2MP macro camera and a 2MP depth camera to capture sharp high-resolution photographs. The 8MP wide-angle selfie camera snaps beautiful portraits. The Honor X7 is available in Ocean Blue or Midnight Black.
Base Device | Honor X7 |
Design - Dimensions in mm | 167.6 x 77.2 x 8.6 mm |
Design - Weight | 198g |
Type | IPS LCD |
Display - Size Display | 6.74 inch |
Resolution Display | 720 x 1600 pixels |
OS Hardware Performance | Android 11 (Magic UI 4.2) |
Storage | 128GB |
RAM Hardware Performance | 4GB |
CPU (Processor) | Octa-Core |
Rear Camera Type | Dual Camera |
Main Camera Resolution | 48MP + 5MP + 2MP + 2MP |
Main Camera - Additional Features | LED flash + HDR + Panorama |
Front Camera - Additional Resolution | 8MP |
Battery - Size | 5000 mAh |