Samsung launched its midrange smartphone the Galaxy A24, in January 2023. This device is available in multiple configurations including 4GB to 8GB of RAM and 64GB to 128GB of internal storage. Additional storage for your photographs, videos and apps can be included with the addition of a microSDXC card which has a dedicated slot or shares the SIM slot depending on your region. The rear camera includes a 50MP wide-angle camera, a 2MP macro camera and a 5MP ultra-wide-angle camera for great shots anywhere. The 13MP wide-angle selfie camera is sure to capture the whole scene on each selfie. The Samsung Galaxy A24 is available in Black, Dark Red, Silver or Green.
Base Device | Samsung Galaxy A24 |
Design - Dimensions in mm | 162.1 x 77.6 x 8.3 mm |
Design - Weight | 195 g |
Type | Super AMOLED |
Display - Size Display | 6.5 inches |
Resolution Display | 1080 x 2340 pixels |
OS Hardware Performance | Android 13 |
Storage | 128GB |
RAM Hardware Performance | 6GB |
CPU (Processor) | Octa-core |
Rear Camera Type | Triple Camera |
Main Camera Resolution | 50MP + 5MP + 2MP |
Main Camera - Additional Features | LED flash + Panorama + HDR |
Front Camera - Additional Resolution | 13MP |
Battery - Size | 5000 mAh |