Samsung launched its Galaxy A32 5G in February 2021. The A32 is available in various configurations from 4GB to 8GB of RAM and 64GB to 128GB of internal storage. Storage can be increased by up to 1TB of additional space with the inclusion of a MicroSD card. The main camera is made up of a 48MP lens, 8MP ultra-wide lens, 5MP macro lens and 2MP depth camera supported by autofocus and capable of recording UHD 4K videos at 30 frames per second. The front-facing 13MP selfie camera with bokeh effect takes stunning selfies. The Galaxy A32 has adaptive power-saving and fast charging meaning you’re always ready to go. The Samsung Galaxy A32 is available in Awesome Black, Awesome White, Awesome Blue or Awesome Violet.
Base Device | Samsung Galaxy A32 5G |
Design - Dimensions in mm | 164.2 x 76.1 x 9.1 mm |
Design - Weight | 205g |
Type | TFT |
Display - Size Display | 6.5 inch |
Resolution Display | 720 x 1600 pixels |
OS Hardware Performance | Android 11 |
Storage | 128GB |
RAM Hardware Performance | 4GB |
CPU (Processor) | Octa-Core (2x2.0 GHz Cortex-A76 & 6x2.0 GHz Cortex-A55) |
Rear Camera Type | Quad Camera |
Main Camera Resolution | 48MP Wide + 8MP UltraWide + 5MP Macro + 2MP Depth |
Main Camera - Additional Features | LED flash + HDR + Panorama |
Front Camera - Additional Resolution | 13MP Wide |
Battery - Size | 5000 mAh |