Samsung launched its groundbreaking Galaxy Z Flip in February 2020. The Z Flip is the first-ever folding glass screen on a Galaxy smartphone. Opened the Z Flip has an Infinity Flex Display with no notch and minimalised bezels. The clamshell design is complemented by one of two mirror finishes, "Mirror Black" or "Mirror Purple" with a stunning view from any angle. The Galaxy Z Flip is set with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. The main camera is made up of duel 12MP lenses, ultrawide and wide, that can record 4K video in up to 60 frames per second. The 10 MP wide-angle selfie camera snaps great shots and can also record 4K video. The Z Flip will hold its position when folded for amazing low angle shots or change functionality by putting the controls in the bottom half of the screen while the top half becomes the viewing area.
Base Device | Samsung Galaxy Z Flip |
Design - Dimensions in mm | 167.3 x 73.6 x 7.2 mm |
Design - Weight | 183g |
Type | Foldable Dynamic AMOLED + HDR10+ |
Display - Size Display | 6.7 inch |
Resolution Display | 1080 x 2636 pixels |
OS Hardware Performance | Android 10 |
Storage | 256GB |
RAM Hardware Performance | 8GB |
CPU (Processor) | Octa-Core (1x2.95 GHz Kryo 485 & 3x2.41 GHz Kryo 485 & 4x1.78 GHz Kryo 485) |
Rear Camera Type | Dual Camera |
Main Camera Resolution | 12MP Wide + 12MP UltraWide |
Main Camera - Additional Features | LED flash + HDR + Panorama |
Front Camera - Additional Resolution | 10MP Wide |
Battery - Size | 3300 mAh |